
Friday, December 9, 2011

Ethics And Professional Responsibility

The following are the important themes you must remember from the PMI Perspective regarding Ethics & Professional Responsibility.

1. Conduct yourself professionally in your work with clients. This includes the following:
o Doing the “right” thing
o Being respectful and cooperative and treating everyone fairly
o Following the correct procedures
o Being assertive and taking responsibility of any issue or problem
o Being cognizant and avoiding any conflict-of-interest issues
2. Ways to increase the professionalism of project management include the following:
o Maintaining high standards of personal integrity
o Continually striving to improve and become more knowledgeable
o Continually looking for ways to improve the project management practice and the project management knowledgebase.

Exam Trivia:
A Project manager must be the supporter or the Shield for his team and never throw his team under the bus. Though in real life you may see managers who blame their team for poor quality work or slipped delivery dates, as per PMI “It is the Project Managers Fault” if the project fails in any aspect

Other PMI Themes:

General PMI Themes
Project Framework
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Execution
Project Monitoring & Controlling
Project Closure

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