
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summary - Ethics & Professional Responsibility

Let us quickly summarize what we learnt in this section on Professional Responsibility.
• As a PMP, you must practice project management with professionalism i.e., with professional responsibility which includes following the rules and policies of the certification process and of the organization for which you are managing the project.
• The key to professionalism is individual integrity based on honesty, truth, and openness.
• Professionalism requires that you interact with your client and with the project stakeholders with mutual dignity and respect and show respect to diversity of cultures and beliefs.
• If you encounter an unprofessional situation, rather than ignoring it, you deal with it honestly, openly, and truthfully.
• Your professional responsibility as a PMP also demands that you continue enhancing your professional competence and contributing to the project management knowledge base.
• Keep in mind that while honesty, truth, and openness are essential elements of individual integrity regardless of where you are, the definitions of right versus wrong, acceptable versus unacceptable, and to some extent ethical versus unethical might vary across cultures.
• Sometimes you will need to think hard to do the right thing when faced with tricky situations. For example, just because bribery is a common and acceptable practice in a country, that does not make it the right thing to do, especially if it is illegal.
• When you are not sure which option is the right one, investigate whether it is legal and ethical in that country.
• With individual integrity, you follow the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct by PMI, which is founded on four fundamental values: fairness, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Prev: Ethics & Professional Conduct

Next: Important Terms & Definitions

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