
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chapter 42: Summary - PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Lets summarize the core Ethics & Professional Responsibility related items:

• Ethical violations — Report possible violations of code to PMI and cooperate with investigations.
• Conflict of interest — Occurs when personal interests are placed before professional responsibility. Avoid this; if that’s not possible, identify and communicate all potential conflicts to all parties.
o Personal gain — Tied to conflict of interest, it’s when someone benefits inappropriately in exchange for influencing a project. Prohibited.
o Inappropriate compensation — Tied to conflict of interest, this can include payments and gifts for personal gain. Prohibited.
• Appearance of impropriety — When conflict of interest is not communicated to all parties, your work and actions might appear improper.
• Intellectual property — A product developed and owned by others with commercial value. Recognize and respect copyrighted material.
• Confidentiality — Maintain and respect sensitive information, including intellectual property, obtained through your work.

Prev: Chapter 41

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