
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chapter 38: Honesty

Aim: To understand the term “Honesty” as per the PMI Code of Ethics

The final value in the four core values for project managers is honesty. In some perspectives, it is the most basic and elemental of the four. Without honesty, the other values have virtually no impact. In an environment lacking trust, no one believes they are being treated fairly or with respect. Honesty lays the foundation for all project activities and interaction.

Aspirational Standards for Honesty

The aspirational standards for honesty are pretty basic and straightforward. In short, you should understand the truth and always act in a truthful manner. The aspirational standards for honesty include
• Earnestly seeking to understand the truth
• Being truthful in all that you do and say
• Providing accurate and timely information
• Making all commitments in good faith
• Making every effort to create an environment where everyone feels safe to tell the truth

Mandatory Standards for Honesty

The mandatory standards for honesty include
• Never engaging in, nor condoning, any behavior that knowingly deceives others
• Not engaging in dishonest activity designed to benefit one person at the expense of another

Qualifications, Experience, and Performance of Professional Services

As a project manager, you are required to be accurate and truthful in your representations to PMI as well in your professional undertakings. You have a duty to properly represent your qualifications, experience, and performance of professional services when soliciting work and advertising. Estimates of costs, services, and expected results should be justly presented. You are accountable for providing accurate, trustworthy information to customers and the public.

Exam Watch:
You are responsible for accurate and truthful representations in the information you present to PMI and to the public. The concept appears throughout the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Expect questions on the exam regarding this concept.

To know more about the PMI code of Ethics Click Here

Prev: Chapter 37

Next: Chapter 39

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