
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chapter 34: The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Aim: To understand the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct focuses on conflicts of interest, truthful representation, and your responsibility to the profession, the customers, and the public. Most of the information contained in the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will seem obvious and intuitive upon your initial read, but it ensures that all project manager practitioners have an equal understanding of the responsibilities for honesty and integrity in the profession.

The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is not a component of the PMBOK; rather it is a six-page stand-alone document available on the PMI website. You should read it carefully and thoroughly.

Exam Trivia:
No PMP Prep book will cover the entire details of the PMI code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. They will cover only the salient points. It is a nice idea to go through the whole document to get a better idea of the same. The PMI Code of Ethics can be found in the link below:

Core Values

The PMI Code of Professional Conduct is comprised of five chapters:
• Vision and Applicability
• Responsibility
• Respect
• Fairness
• Honesty

Each section challenges all practitioners of project management to apply ethical standards to work efforts, acting in an accurate, trustworthy, honest manner while acknowledging and minimizing conflicts of interest.

The first chapter sets the overall tone of the call for high standards in professional and social behavior. This initial chapter also increases the scope from previous Codes of Conduct to include all project management practitioners. Prior to the release of the current version of the Code, several Codes of Professional Conduct existed. Membership status in PMI and the particular certification held dictated the specific Code(s) that applied to you. The current unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to all project management practitioners, regardless of credentials held.

Taken together, these core values provide the basis of the project manager standards of conduct. These standards exist to both promote confidence in the field of project management and to challenge each project manager to strive for excellence. Don’t take the code lightly! PMI views the code as an integral part of the continued development of the project management profession.

Exam Trivia:
To answer scenario based questions in the exam, ask yourself this question “If someone in your company (that you own) engage in such an activity, will I be ok with it?” If the answer to this question is NO, then you must not engage in such behavior yourself and select the answer that does this. Remember that as the Project Manager you must be a role model and behave in a way that people look up to you.

Aspirational and Mandatory Conduct

Each chapter in the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct contains two sets of standards. First are the aspirational standards. These are the behaviors to which we aspire. In other words, these are the behaviors all project managers would exhibit in the best of situations. Some of these take work to achieve, but they give us good goals that strengthen each project manager and the profession as a whole. There are no specific consequences for violating the aspirational standards.
Second, the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct presents the mandatory standards. These standards provide the minimum acceptable behavior for project managers. Violation of any of the mandatory standards carries consequences. Such consequences can result in loss of credentials, or worse.

Exam Trivia:
Exam questions from this topic are almost exclusively application questions. PMI doesn’t care that you have memorized the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. They want to see that you can apply the Code to specific situations. As you study, consider how you will apply the Code to your projects.

To know more about the PMI code of Ethics Click Here

Prev: Chapter 33

Next: Chapter 35

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