
Friday, July 1, 2011

Chapter 56: The Big Picture of Quality and Risk Management

In the previous few chapters, we have covered the processes used in managing the quality and risks of a project. In this chapter, we are going to take a high level look at these 2 entities.

So, lets get started!!!

The Big Picture

Look at the picture below to understand the whole idea better.

As shown above, quality management and risk management can begin after project scope planning, schedule planning, and cost planning have been performed.

Note that the picture above presents a general and high-level view of the relationships between different processes used to manage quality and risk, and not all the interactions and data flow are shown. For example, depending on the nature of the risk and the experience of the risk management team, a risk might move directly from the identification process to quantitative risk analysis or even to the risk response planning process. (Remember, we had spoken about skipping the analysis part depending on the project teams experience in the previous chapters?)

The following is a summary of the items that we may use as inputs to the various processes.
• The scope statement is an input to quality planning, risk management planning, identifying risks, and performing qualitative risk analysis. You can realize this only if you remember that the scope statement is a component of the scope baseline.
• The risk management plan, generated during the Plan Risk Management process, is an input to all other risk planning processes.
• The risk register is initiated by the risk identification process and is an input item to, and is updated by, the following risk management processes: Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, and Plan Risk Responses. It will also be updated by the Monitor and Control Risks process, which we will explore in an upcoming chapter.

To Summarize this, look at the table below:

Input Items Processes Involved
Plan Quality Plan Risk Perform Management Identify Risks Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Quantitative Risk Analysis Plan Risk Responses
Enterprise environmental factors Yes Yes Yes No No No
Organizational process assets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Project scope statement Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Schedule management plan No Yes Yes No Yes No
Cost management plan No Yes Yes No Yes No
Risk management plan No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Risk register Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Stakeholder register Yes No Yes No No No
With this, we have successfully completed the section on Quality and Risk Planning. Lets us wrap up this section with the usual summary and important terms and move on to the next section.

Prev: Planning Risk Response

Next: Summary - Risk & Quality Planning

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